Apple has requested that Chinese cell phone manufacturer Meizu shut down their production and sales of their latest smartphone the M8. Meizu has pretty much been copying the iPhone designs and features for a couple of years now. Apple apparently was done letting them have their fun. Meizu suprisingly agreed to stop production of the phones but when asked to halt all sales they scoffed. Meizu CEO Jack Wong had this to say:
"Apple requested that we cease manufacturing the M8 this month, we agreed but then [Apple] came back and asked for a sales ban instead. I can cope with a production freeze, but not with having our shops closed and thus not being able to use up our inventory. If Apple and the provincial IPO take another insatiable step, I can only go head to head against them." (Translated by Richard Lai from Engadget)
Meizu has also said that they will now try to get their latest phone the M9 out by December. The fact that this didn't even go to court, suggests that Meizu understood and admitted their thievery. The fact that they have the M9 close to launch, probably made the decision even easier. The M9 does not look like the iPhone 4 so hopefully for Meizu it will be smooth sailing from here on out