The new iPod Nano has also been announced. This is in my opinion the coolest device Apple has come out with in a while. While being just slightly larger then the iPod shuffle it still has room for a 1.54-inch touch screen. It comes in 8GB or 16GB capacities, for $149.99 and $179.99. The Nano comes in 7 colors, red, pink, orange, blue, green, silver, and dark grey. It features a clip on the back just like the shuffle, and an FM radio. It is rated for 24 hours of audio playback. This would be the perfect workout companion, even better then the shuffle because u can actually see your playlist. To be honest, I'm not really sure why anyone would want a shuffle at all. The new Nano will be available next thursday and is up for pre-orders now. Follow the link for complete specs or to buy. Apple Store
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
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